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Here listed in no particular order are some of the most useful resources I have used in my research to find, document and link as many Caroline ancestors as possible. My goal is to find a place for all the deceased whose obituaries were published in the Caroline Progress from 1919 to the present. For every additional name I put in the Family Tree Maker, I reference that name to Herb Collins' obituary compilations and tombstone transcriptions from all public and private Caroline cemeteries. Whenever possible, I also reference the transcribed ancient vital statistics from microfilm in the Virginia State Library.

There are several authors whom I have met personally who have made an invaluable contribution to the organization and preservation of Caroline history. Without their efforts so much of this history would have been forever lost. So much, unfortunately, has already been irretrievably lost as a result of the Civil War when so many of the county records were destroyed in fires in Richmond. Research in Caroline is often frustrating, if not entirely impossible.


bulletHistorical Record of Bowling Green Virginia 1667-1970
Reverend Ralph Emmet Fall
for sale at the
Caroline Library
P.O. Box 9
Bowling Green, VA  22427
$5.00 + .50 S&H

bulletPeople, Post Offices and Communities of Caroline County, Virginia
Reverend Ralph Emmet Fall
currently out of print but available for interlibrary loan - an invaluable resource

bulletThe Rose Diary
Reverend Ralph Emmet Fall
a transcription of the journal of a circuit minister who traveled through the parishes of Caroline

bulletCamden - a history of the colonial plantation by the current owner and direct descendant of the Earl of Camden, England, Mr. Beverley Pratt. The Pratt family genealogy is discussed and a history of the mansion through the centuries is nicely presented.
copies may still be available through a small gift shop on Route 301 -

Stitches and Things
Port Royal, VA  22535

bulletThe Hidden Village
Reverend Ralph Emmet Fall
The detailed history of the town of Port Royal and a lot of genealogy of the lot owners and residents, some of personal acquaintance of Rev. Fall.
available for sale from:
Historic Port Royal
P.O. Box 233
Port Royal, VA 22535

bulletCaroline County Virginia Court Records
Will book 1793-1897
Will and Plat Book 1742-1840
Will book 19 1814-1818
Abstracted by Kimberly Campbell
Iberian Publishing, Co.
Athens, GA

bulletBooks written by Caroline native and historian Herbert Ridgeway Collins:
tombstone transcriptions of Caroline cemeteries
available through:
Willow Bend Publishers (formerly Family Line Publictions)
65 East main Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157

#1 Public Cemeteries of Caroline Co.  - $15.00 + $3.00 S&H
#2 Private Cemeteries of Caroline Co. - $15.00
#3 Private Cemeteries of Caroline Co. - $20.00

Caroline County Death Records (1919-1994) - from the Caroline Progress Newspaper
Collins, Herbert: Caroline County Virginia Death Records, 1919-1994, from th... -- Price: $25.00

Caroline County Vital Records - Death Index
Caroline County, Virginia, Bureau of Vital Statistics Death Records, 1853-1896 -- Herbert Ridgeway Collins; Paperback
available through Willow Bend for $33.00 + S&H...if out of print, use interlibrary loan

bulletCourt Records of Caroline County
compiled by Hopkins
Willow Bend - $30.00 + S&H

bulletHistory of Caroline County, Virginia
A History of Caroline County, Virginia : From Its Formation in 1727 to 1924 to Which Is Appended ''a Discourse of Virginia'' by Edward Maria Wingfield

bulletCampbell's History of Caroline Co.
Campbell, T.E.: Colonial Caroline: A History of Caroline County (Virginia) --
Price: $35.00

bulletCaroline County Federal Census for 1850
transcribed by Mark Sprouse
Iberian Publishing Co., 1997
Athens, GA

bulletMarriages of Caroline Co., Virginia 1777-1853
Therese Fisher
Fisher, Therese: Marriages of Caroline County Virginia., 1777-1853 --
Price: $23.00
Heritage Books
1540 E. Pointer Ridge Place
Bowie, Md

bulletRegimental Histories of Caroline and nearby Counties - in particular:
Caroline Light, Parker and Stafford Light Artillery
Homer Musselman
H.E. Howard, Inc., 1992
Lynchburg, Va
ISBN -1-56190-036-2

bulletJohn & Amy Gatewood and Their Descendants
Library of Congress 86-82868
Carol Gothberg
902 S. 59th St.
Springfield, OR 97478

bulletCaroline County: A Pictorial History
Mary Tod Haley
Donning Co. Publishers, 1985
184 Business park Dr., Ste. 206
Virginia Beach, VA  23462
ISBN 1-57864-149-7


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